Fashion trends to look forward to in 2022
In this article, we attempt to anticipate the fashion trends that will define the year 2022. As a digital agency, and trendsetting fashion designers, we believe that fashion is an ever-changing and evolving medium whose trends should be anticipated at least four years in advance by following the right people who keep themselves updated with the latest in the world of fashion. In addition to using our primary research techniques and second-hand information taken from related news sources & articles, we also surveyed our following social media groups/ users:
1) @ Fashionjammers – Followers: +10k > This group was created while giving our followers a sneak preview of new content before any of our clients saw it publicly.
2) @ BloggersTV – Followers: +1k > They create content across the series of blog posts, YouTube videos, webinars, or eBooks, covering topics related to online entrepreneurship, Internet marketing, and affiliate marketing.
3) @ Facebook – Followers: All organic reach but all aged 25+.
4) @ Twitter – Followers: Organic+ sponsored reach targeting all Nationalities aged between 15-25.
There are some predictions of fashion that make perfect sense. For example, Google Glass didn’t catch on with mass adoption because people were afraid to wear them in public. It was because everyone else was wearing them in public.
Some predictions make no sense at all, like that our kids will live with us as much as we live with our parents did when they were kids. That makes no sense because it would require a complete reversal of everything we know about human nature. We are social animals, and we like being with other people, but most of us don’t want to be living in their basements.
The idea that reading glasses are fashionable is based on a particular assumption about how glasses work. Fashionable reading glasses have been there for about ten years. That’s about how long it takes for new technology to become familiar enough that it is socially acceptable and economically viable not to discard them. So if you believe in fashion, you should look forward to reading glasses getting more fashionable after they have become common enough.
These reading glasses don’t work like that at all. They make it harder for people who wear them to read than without them. It seems counterintuitive because we associate fashionable with the widespread. Still, the effect of fashion on popularity is minimal: most fashions only last three years at most, and everyone eventually gets used to them.
By 2022, black will be the new black to look forward to.
Black is still a surprise color. It’s so unexpected in the polished, professional fashion world that it has become a synonym for “unexpected” itself.
Black trousers and dresses usually look like they’re made of cloth, and that’s because they are. They’re often woven from natural fibers like silk, cotton, and linen. But they can also be printed with plastic or vinyl. This makes them more durable and more environmentally friendly than natural fabrics: you don’t have to wash them as often or use energy and water to make them. Even if you wash them, the ink stays put instead of washing away with water.
Things are changing so fast now it’s hard to predict what will be fashionable next year. But this doesn’t mean you can’t fashion trends to look forward to in 2022. Fashion is not as brutal to predict as you might think. If something has been around for a while and is still being made, past popularity is an excellent guide to the future. So let’s start with some established things that people like and want to buy:
1. Hats: I’m sure you’ve seen those hats that are on all the heads at the same time. You see them in shopping malls and on people’s heads all over the place, from New York City to Beijing. What’s going on here? Well, hats are already in vogue and have been for decades. Nobody thinks they’ll go out of style any time soon, so there’s no need to invent new ones; everyone already has what they like.
2. Shirts: I love shirts, especially button-down shirts; I like the way they feel, and it makes me feel important when people notice me wearing one. The thing about shirts is that they take forever to make but last forever; there’s no reason not to keep making them and selling them any time